Untreated Sleep Apnea: What Are the Serious Consequences?

Sleep apnea deprives the brain, arteries and organs of all-important oxygen needed for optimal health.

Without sufficient oxygen, night after night, the risk of serious medical conditions greatly increases – including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and
early death. These are all risks of untreated sleep apnea….

Dealing with Sleep Problems Caused by Work Schedule

Previous research has shown how sleep deprivation increases the risk of serious health problems like heart disease and diabetes. However, recent studies also suggest that an irregular sleep schedule could also place your health at risk.

This research indicates that those who have consistent variations in their sleep routine could be at an increased risk of health issues like cardiovascular disease and depression…

Does Sleep Apnea Affect the Quality of Your Deep Sleep?

Sleep is a vital restorative tool, both physically and mentally. Quality of sleep impacts on your ability to function properly, as well as your overall health and mood.

However, there are different stages of sleep you pass through during the night, one of them being deep sleep. This stage is key in restoring the body and the brain, but it can be impaired when you have a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea….

Can Music Help You Sleep?

Music has always possessed the ability to soothe and relax, as well as inspire and entertain. For anyone with sleep problems, listening to their favorite songs could help them get to sleep quicker and stay asleep longer….

6 Common Sleep Disorders and How to Prevent Each

Seems like every night is a battle, trying to get a decent night’s sleep despite anxiety, pain and other issues. In fact, there are several sleep disorders that may be affecting your sleep — and with treatment, you can get the restorative sleep your body needs to stay healthy….

CPAP Titration: Is It Necessary?

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy is a leading treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. If CPAP is considered the best treatment option for obstructive sleep apnea, a CPAP titration study will be required.

10 CPAP Machine Side Effects and How to Prevent Them

CPAP therapy is one of the primary treatments for sleep apnea. The treatment involves a machine to supply a steady stream of pressurized air through a mask worn when sleeping. The steady flow of air stops the upper airways from blocking and prevents the breathing difficulties associated with sleep apnea….

Can Treating Sleep Apnea Cause Weight Loss?

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common form of this disorder, with a narrowing of the upper airways resulting in interruptions to your breathing. Before considering whether treating OSA can result in weight loss, we first need to look at how this sleep disorder is affected by your weight….

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