Daytime Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

It is a known fact that many people who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are often unaware of the problem for many years. This is particularly true of those who sleep alone – as it is often the bed partner who first becomes aware of the potential problem….

Connection Between Sleep Apnea and Memory Loss

Sleep apnea is a relatively common disorder that impacts the quality of your sleep. The most common form of this sleep disorder is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). It is estimated that around 1 billion people across the globe have OSA, a disorder that results in sleep deprivation and excessive daytime tiredness….

ADHD and Sleep Apnea: The Connection

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that affects behavior. Acting on impulse, restlessness and problems concentrating are traits associated with the disorder. However, some of the symptoms are similar to those displayed by people with a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea….

Sinusitis and Sleep Apnea

There are several health problems that can significantly affect the quality of your sleep. Conditions that cause abnormal breathing or difficulty breathing are some primary causes of sleep disruptions. …

Uncovering the Link Between Sleep Apnea and Low Libido

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can have a dramatic impact upon our lives. Some examples include constant lethargy, depression, an increased risk of developing diabetes, and high blood pressure. However, did you know that sleep apnea is also linked to a low libido?

How are these two conditions related? What impact can OSA have on your sex drive? Perhaps more importantly, are there any effective treatment options? We will address these questions and more….

Is It Insomnia or Sleep Apnea?

There are many reasons why some people find it nearly impossible to enjoy a satisfying night of rest. While some of these are psychological (such as stress), others can be caused by a physical condition including obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). 

Sleep apnea occurs when there is an air blockage in the upper airway — causing a pause in breathing during sleep. This typically happens often during the night, but you won’t be aware of it….

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