Sleep Apnea is Related to High Blood Pressure
Does CPAP lower high blood pressure? Since the 1980s, Doctors have known that sleep apnea is closely related to high blood pressure. Studies have shown and confirmed that sleep apnea is a direct cause of this health problem and that using a CPAP machine as treatment can immediately reduce high blood pressure.
Studies have shown patients who originally experienced reduced blood pressure saw the benefits reversed within a week of stopping CPAP usage. Patients who were not fully compliant with the machine (using it for 2.5 hours or less per night) saw no significant change in blood pressure.
CPAP Therapy and High Blood Pressure
Most Doctors believe that sleep apnea is a direct cause of high blood pressure. For those who don’t know, OSA is an interruption in breathing while sleeping, which results in reduced oxygen levels in the body. The brain responds by sending out a signal to increase blood flow to important organs like the heart and brain by tightening blood vessels. These tendencies at night can carry over into your day-to-day life, which can result in chronic hypertension.
A CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine is a common treatment for sleep apnea. It delivers pressurized air through a facial mask, keeping airways open making sure the patient can breathe properly. Lowering blood pressure as everyone knows has major health benefits. It decreases strain on the heart, eyes, kidneys, coronary disease, heart attack, or a stroke. If you’re currently using a CPAP machine, make sure to be consistent and use it every night for at least 5 hours or more to ensure you’re receiving the best possible treatment.
If you think you have sleep apnea and don’t know where to start, we’re here to help. Please consult your Doctor or physician, we also offer treatment and services for sleep apnea.